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Planning and fostering the mindset

Campus communities, community planners, and now-generation thought leaders (NGTL) build their own collaborative relationships so that they can foster the mindset of the new-generation explorers (NGE) in those they are mentoring for the future.

  • The SimpliGO Campus Community Discovery (C2D) Digital Marketplace Network Project is committed to exploring and promoting an educated community. We hope that hundreds of Campus Community Discovery (C2D) projects throughout the communities each year would inspire new generations of explorers through education initiatives and resources.

SimpliGO C2D Digital Marketplace Network DMN Explorer Program

  • Educating and training the new-generation on developing blogs, content creation, and informational forums where the mentors, explorers and the community share their reviews and recommendations of brands, products, and services. The social media platform’s built-in data analytics tools, will enable the C2D DMN to track the progress, success, and engagement of direct marketing campaigns Now-Generation Thought Leaders.
  • The social media marketplace encompasses all the strategic marketing brand messaging users will assimilate to understand your core values and connect with your marketplace – both current users and the targeted users yet to visit.
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Collaborative Cloud Communication

The process to organize efforts to market your goods and services in the cloud through integrated digital experiences, by which we quantify every single end user. The goal is to use advertising methods to target customers via online applications through social media websites such as Facebook, Twitter and various online portals to target consumers and various online e-portals to target consumers.